1. Applied Structures of the Creating Field of Information
  2. Controlling Extreme Task
  3. Controlling the Goals
  4. Controlling Personal Task
  5. Control by Means of Collective Consciousness
  6. Correction of Crisis Situations
  7. Creation of Control Goal
  8. Educational System of Grigori Grabovoi
  9. Light Control
  10. Methodology of Perception Formation through the Allocation of a Number, Letter and Temporal Aspect in the Information Environment
  11. Practical Guide to Using Number Sequences
  12. Rapid Development of Controlling Clairvoyance and Forecast to Ensure Eternal Life by Physical Body
  13. Rejuvenation Program
  14. Rescue Control
  15. The Building of Man with Light
  16. The Methods of Rejuvenation for Eternal Life
  17. The System of Adaptive Restoration
  18. Time Control
  19. Unique Control System
  20. Volitional Control

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